From: Reply-to:
The advocacy community is organizing to collect worker stories that highlight the need for the anticipated DEPT OF LABOR proposal to update the overtime eligibility rules (the topic of one of the two Executive Orders President Obama signed on April 8, 2014), and I have been asked to call the need for women's stories to your attention. A template describing the types of stories and types of information being sought is below. If you could circulate this to appropriate people within your organization and collect stories that fit the bill, that would be great. Please return any suitable collected stories (hopefully following the outline below) to Kelly Ross, Deputy Policy Director at the AFL-CIO,
The story could be in any of three categories: 1) Salaried workers earning more than $23,660 who are not getting overtime but should; 2) Workers who are getting and benefitting from overtime; 3) Employers who pay overtime and succeed.
In the case of salaried workers earning more than $23,660 per year who are not getting overtime but should be, the narrative should explain why they should be getting overtime (i.e., because they're not management and they're not "professionals" and they are working long hours that go uncompensated or undercompensated).
In the case of workers who are getting and benefiting from overtime, the narrative should explain from the point of view of the worker the benefit of getting overtime.
In the case of employers who pay overtime and succeed, the narrative should explain the benefit of providing overtime from the employer's point of view. Stories from employers in California and New York that speak to the higher salary thresholds in those states would be especially interesting.
Stories from recent or ongoing litigation would also be especially helpful.
Please use the following template when submitting your stories:
Photo (if available)
Contact Info:
Title and Organization:
Amount of Time Spent with Employer:
City and State:
Your Story with Overtime (1 or more paragraphs)
If you need more information about how the current overtime regulations work, here is a good, short summary:
Thank you so much, Heidi
Heidi Hartmann, Ph.D.
Secretary-Treasurer, NCWO, Co-Chair, NCWO Task Force on Older Women's Economic Security
President, Institute for Women's Policy Research
1200 18th Street NW, Suite 301
Washington, DC 20036
Research Professor, The George Washington University
Editor, Journal of Women, Politics & Policy
MacArthur Fellow
Main: 202.785.5100 | Fax: 202.833.4362 | Twitter | Facebook
CFC #10208
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